Aaron I. Butcher, PA-C
Founder, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Functional Medicine, Sexual Health & Wellness

I was raised in Utah and come from a family of 12 children. I went to Buffalo, NY where I received my degree as a Physician Assistant. I was primarily trained in primary care and have always enjoyed improving a patient’s quality of life through both medicine and education. I currently work closely with Dr. Gregory Laurence in providing the benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to our patients.
I have trained and certified with some of the leading experts in the field of bioidentical hormone replacement. Worldlinkmedical offers a four part course, close to 100 CME hours, for providers to assist them in assessing and managing patients appropriately. It has provided me with a sound foundation on which to safely diagnose and treat people with hormone deficiencies. The realization of the importance of BHRT and its effects became evident in my own life when I became the patient. I was found to be severely deficient in a hormone that dramatically changed my own life. Before I knew about hormone replacement I just figured “I was just getting old.” I felt powerless to do anything. What a relief to find out that how I was feeling wasn’t in my head. I wasn’t crazy and there was something I could do to restore my quality of life. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has provided an exciting integral instrument in restoring a person’s vitality, strength, energy, sex life and quality of life through natural means. I believe the medical science behind BHRT and feel that it truly improves a persons quality of life. I look forward to helping you optimize your own health through proper balancing of naturally occurring hormones that provide significant health benefits while improving your overall sense of well-being.