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Bio-identical Hormone
Replacement Therapy

About BHRT

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a type of treatment that utilizes hormones that are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced by the human body. This therapy is used to treat symptoms of hormonal imbalances in both men and women, such as fatigue, mood swings, and low libido. Hormones can also affect your weight, self-esteem, food cravings, mood, and much more. BHRT is also often used to relieve symptoms of menopause that many women suffer from. BHRT is considered a safer alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) it uses hormones that are identical to those produced by the body, rather than synthetic hormones. The process involves a thorough evaluation of the patient's hormone levels, followed by the prescription of customized hormone replacement therapy. BHRT has been shown to be effective in improving quality of life for many patients.

Getting Started With BHRT

Customized To Fit You

Our specialists at BeWell Health & Med Spa provide bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to help you attain optimal health and wellness. Each patient receives customized treatment tailored to each individual need. Everyone is unique, it's part of being human. Every treatment plan is specially created to fit each patient perfectly. Our group of specialists focus on hormone optimization, which includes thyroid, progesterone, testosterone, and estradiol. By balancing these hormones, we can help you combat fatigue and enhance your quality of life. Our customized hormone therapy plans are designed to help you feel your best.

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It's All About Balance

Rather than focus on symptoms caused by one hormone, our specialists take a look all of them for the underlying cause. It's important to monitor all hormones to ensure they are in balance, as one hormone being off can affect the entire system. Remember, balancing your hormones is like putting together a puzzle, with each hormone being one piece of the puzzle.


Coming Soon

What Are Hormones?


Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, responsible for male sexual development and critical in maintaining multiple body functions. It is vital in sustaining proper erectile function and libido and plays a big part in building muscles and burning fat as well as supporting normal energy levels, mood, immune function and bone density.


Testosterone levels decline with age, beginning to diminish as early as the mid-thirties. By the age of 80, a man’s testosterone level is often only 20% of what it was in his youth. This gradual decline can result in a number of disturbing symptoms, including loss of stamina and lean muscle mass, reduced libido, anxiety, depression, obesity and cognitive decline. This testosterone deficiency syndrome, also known as andropause, is the male equivalent of female menopause. Because the drop in testosterone is so gradual, the symptoms of andropause appear over a longer period of time as compared to female menopause and are often ignored for awhile or are attributed to “getting older”. There is good news for men, however, in that many of these symptoms are reversible by restoring healthy testosterone levels. This can be done in a variety of ways, and now millions of men are now using testosterone building supplements and even testosterone itself for this reason.


Estrogen is a hormone that is secreted primarily by the ovaries. Estrogen protects against heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease and memory disorders. Estrogen also protects against vaginal atrophy, urinary incontinence and helps menopausal hot flashes and temperature dysregulation. Estrogen improves static balance, helps to prevent falls and provides many neurological and cerebral benefits.


Deficiencies in estrogen often result in urogenital atrophy, incontinence, sagging skin and breasts, increased skin wrinkles on the face, fatigue, depression, mood swings and decreased libido. Women take estrogen report that they not only feel better but healthier. Estrogen vastly improved quality of life for women by helping them feel more youthful and energized. Women taking estrogen have better muscle tone, fewer wrinkles, stronger, shinier hair, and a more enjoyable satisfying sex life after menopause. There is less loss of normal spinal curvature from osteoporosis which commonly affects post-menopausal women who are not on estrogen replacement therapy. Studies have shown that estrogen users have half the risk of heart disease and stroke. There is a significantly lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease and dementia among estrogen users. It is estimated that over 10 million women are currently taking estrogen in the United States. Estrogen is one of the most widely prescribed medications in the United States.


It is very important that estrogen be bioidentical (natural) and not synthetic estrogen. Studies have shown synthetic hormones to be harmful. On July 17, 2002, the media decided to inform the public that hormones had been shown to increase the risk of heart disease and breast cancer. Unfortunately, the media did not know how to interpret the medical literature accurately.


Many studies have been done over many years. The medical studies have reported for years that synthetic estrogen and synthetic progesterone cause an increased risk of heart disease and cancer when supplemented in the synthetic form. Natural or bioidentical Estrogen and progesterone have not been shown to pose the same risk. This is the reason many physicians have been such strong proponents of natural or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Unfortunately, many women are subjected to increased risk by their physicians who prescribe only synthetic hormones (Premarin, Provera and Prempro) and not the bioidentical hormones that are more appropriate. For years physicians who prescribed synthetic hormones have criticized the physicians who used natural hormones. The media sentimentalization of the 2002 Womens Health Initiative study has sent these physicians scrambling to come up with explanations and alternative treatment options for women who need hormone replacement. Tragically many of these physicians have completely taken women off of all hormone replacement therapy. Women now across the country are suffering the detrimental effects and consequences of estrogen and progesterone deficiency.


A recent study involving 3,175 French women treated with trans-dermal bioidentical estradiol (estrogen) combined with bioidentical progesterone showed no effect on the risk of breast cancer after a mean duration of 9 years of HRT.


Symptoms of low Estrogen include (but are not limited to):

• Fragile bones

• Vaginal Dryness

• Anxiety


• Wrinkles

• Painful Intercourse

• Bladder Incontinence

• Difficulty Concentrating

• Sagging Skin/Breasts

• Depression/ Mood swings


Progesterone goes with estrogen like cookies and milk. They are just better when they are both present. Progesterone works with estrogen to provide relief of menopausal symptoms and protects against breast and uterine cancer. It helps to maintain bone density and prevent osteopenia, osteoporosis and fractures. Patient's report a better "sense of well-being." Women experience less depression, anxiety and are more emotionally stable. For women in pre-menopause progesterone eliminates the irritating symptoms of PMS(painful menstrual cramps, mood swings, heavy bleeding, dysphoria, bloating, and menstrual migraines).


There are no harmful side effects to natural progesterone. If progesterone is taken orally it can cause some sleepiness. Natural progesterone provides many health benefits such as; Proper bone density, heart health, lower cholesterol, better quality of life, contentment, improves the benefits of estrogen, protects against stroke, breast and uterine cancer, prevents vaginal atrophy and associated urinary tract infections, and relief of PMS. The scientific evidence is overwhelming to support that estrogen and progesterone have dramatic effects on the organ systems of our bodies and lead to healthier life styles.


On the other hand synthetic hormones such as Provera, one of the most used synthetic hormones on the market, are not safe and cause significant risks and harmful sideffects. Provera is structurally different than human or natural progesterone. Provera is "unnatural as it gets", as stated by one MD. In the physicians desk refference over 60% of the information is dedicated to contraindications and side effects. Provera can cause breast cancer, depression, weight gain, blood clots in the lung or brain, water retention and bloating and breast tenderness.


My advice is to avoid taking synthetic hormones because there is a safer, less risky and more effective way to replace your hormones. Natural hormones are an exact match to what your body produces and without serious side effects.


Symptoms of low Progesterone include (but are not limited to):

• Bleeding

• Breaking Out

• Breast Tenderness

• Moodiness/Irritability

• Bloating or Cramping

• Fibrocystic Breasts

• Hot Flashes

• PMS Symptoms

• Depression

• Headaches

• Insomnia


The thyroid gland is a small butterfly shaped gland in the neck on either side of the windpipe. It is responsible for the secretion of thyroid hormone which “sets the throttle” for the body's metabolism by increasing the number and size of the mitochondria in our bodies cells. The mitochondria are the little microscopic factories which make energy and heat for all of the cell functions.
Symptoms of low thyroid include (but are not limited to):
• Fatigue
• Low Energy
• Brain Fog
• Weight Gain
• Memory Loss
• Thinning Hair, Skin, and Nails
• Depression
• Arthritis like pain
• Susceptibility to colds and infections

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is actually a hormone, and should be optimized for optimal health. Optimal Vitamin D levels provide protection against bone loss and osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, and dementia. It is also a mood stabilizer, and helps weight loss up to 70 % faster when in optimal ranges.


Symptoms of low Vitamin D include (but are not limited to):

• Depression

• Weight Gain

• Memory loss


Clinical studies have demonstrated that DHEA has a beneficial effect on immune response, sex drive, metabolism and emotional stability. Its effect on the immune system via modulation of stress hormones and its use as a powerful antioxidant demonstrate potent age resisting capabilities. Other health-related benefits including support of cognitive function help the body cope with stress and protect against heart disease through its effects on lipids body fat.


Symptoms of low DHEA include (but are not limited to):

• Poor Immunity

• Low Brain Function

• High Stress

• Weight gain

• High Cholesterol


Failure of memory and lack of mental clarity can be among the most frustrating aspects of aging. Studies indicate that pregnenolone might be beneficial against age-related cognitive decline. Nicknamed the "Grandmother Hormone," pregnenolone is a precursor and necessary building block to DHEA, which in turn can convert testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone


Melatonin regulates the circadian rhythm as well as the deep stage of sleep. Studies suggest that the immune system is stimulated during these periods of deep rest. In the January, 1997 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, melatonin was extolled as a powerful antioxidant and a potential anti-cancer agent. In light of hundreds of studies showing that melatonin can scavenge free radicals, induce youthful sleep patterns and possibly slow the aging process, its a perfect candidate for the anti-aging roster.

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps keep the body's nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. Vitamin B12 also helps prevent a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia that makes people tired and weak. 
Weakness and fatigue are common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. They occur because your body doesn't have enough vitamin B12 to make red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout your body. As a result, you are unable to efficiently transport oxygen to your body's cells, making you feel tired and weak.

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